About Enduro Rally EnduroRally24 is the biggest and longest enduro event in Poland. The founder, Tomek Staniszewski also created other rallies such as the Land Rover Loop or the Carpatia Loop (in the Ukraine). He came up with the idea of a mobile app called Easy Rally that replaces printed road books while racing. Apart from saving costs on printing road books, the whole idea behind the app is to not have a paper road book rewinder and a tripmeter, as the app does it automatically for you. |

Why the need for a wireless button
Tomek wanted to include an accessory to control the Easy Rally app without touching the screen. This created easier access to the app functions while driving or wearing gloves. The button therefore triggers a scroll through the road book and operated the tripmeter.
The integration process
Tomek explained how he thought the integration process of programming the Flic buttons to the app was quite simple and the developers that built the app had an easy time including Flic’s code into theirs.
What are your future steps as both a company & with Flic
“I want to promote my solution at all rallies, it works and is super friendly to rally participants”
– Tomek Staniszewski, Founder
Read more about Enduro Rally

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