Flic Cloud Buttons
No-Code Flic integration into your cloud service.

Brandable and customizable
Flic Cloud Buttons can be configured with custom icons and a fullscreen webview. This webview can be used for anything from providing usage information, user data input or authentication against your systems to map a button to a specific user and/or function in your system.

No app? No problem!
By leveraging the Flic app there is no need to develop your own app for setting up the button.
The end user simply adds the button either directly to their phone or to a Flic Hub using the Flic app. The button is immediately recognized as a Cloud Button and will show up with your custom button icon.
All you need is an endpoint in your backend that will recieve the button events.

For use-cases where the location of the user is required we also offer a Cloud Location option which includes the location of the user with each push.
For use-cases where the location of the user is required we also offer a Cloud Location option which includes the location of the user with each push.

All button events are signed from fingertip to endpoint and verifiable by the reciever to ensure authenticity.
All button events are signed from fingertip to endpoint and verifiable by the reciever to ensure authenticity.

Built to Scale
Buttons can be ordered in bulk, pre-programmed to your Flic Cloud Button configuration.
Buttons can be ordered in bulk, pre-programmed to your Flic Cloud Button configuration.
How it Works

Flic Hub or Flic app
The button push is relayed either through the Flic app on a mobile device or through the Flic Hub.

Flic Device Manager
Flic Device Manager signs and forwards the push event to its designated responder.

Your Backend
The event is recieved by your backend and the action is executed.
Get Started
Implement endpoint
All you need is a button icon, a web view and an endpoint to receive the button events.
Import buttons to Device Manager
Create a Device Manager account and use the Flic Hub SDK to export button pairings into Device Manager or order pre-registered from us.
Configure as Flic Cloud Button
Add the Cloud Button Metadata configuration and you are done!