About Rikshem
Rikshem is one of Sweden’s largest private property ownership companies. The business concept involves offering and developing residential properties and properties for public use in selected municipalities all over Sweden.
Rikshem takes significant social responsibility in their residential areas, and by focusing on sustainability as they want to contribute to healthy community development.
Rikshem owns properties throughout Sweden, from Malmö in the south to Luleå in the North.

Why there is a need for a wireless button
Dark and desolate areas are the main causes of perceived insecurity in many Swedish cities. Rikshem wanted to find out where those areas are in order to improve the neighbourhood overall safety feeling.
They decided that they needed a very simple but effective way to gather this data. Using a button where tenants can easily push a button when feeling unsafe or insecure was the perfect way of getting real and precise data to where these locations were.

Our collaboration
Flic assisted Rikshem in creating these special branded buttons. Flic also created the app functionality where the buttons were pre-programmed for the people participating in the study. All the tenant needed to do was to pair the button with their smartphone, download the app and then start to push the button when they were in an area where they felt unsafe.
Flic also created a heat-map where it collected the data of all the pushes so Rikshem could easily get a complete and simplified overview of the areas.
What’s the next step for Rikshem?
Rikshem created a national report based on the data and the information they received after conducting questionnaires to the ones participating in the study. Based off this report, they will implement improvements in the different areas in order to increase the safety and security.
In result, Flic buttons being handed out has facilitated the attainment of real and trustworthy data on the areas in need of safety improvement. This furthermore enhanced their brand value by listening and taking care of their tenants. Read the full report in Swedish here.
Rikshem and Flic were also featured on TV4

Read more about Rikshem

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