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Flic Hub Studio

Unlock the full potential of the Flic Hub LR with FlicScript to create completely customizable logic that runs straight on your Flic Hub. Note that FlicScript is only working with Hub LR and Flic buttons and no other products of Flic at this time.

Supporting devices:

With Flic Hub Studio you can turn your Flic Hub LR into a mini computer. Think of it as a RaspberryPi but without the hassle. Just plug in power, connect and you are writing code.



Browser Based

All you need is a Flic Hub LR and a browser to get started.


All coding is done in JavaScript with our easy-to-use API.

Advanced Tools

Tools for debugging, bulk scanning buttons and pre-configuring WiFi.

Module Based

Your implementations are packaged in modules for portability and structure.

Simple, Yet Powerful

FlicScript is our JavaScript-based API is designed for fast development and makes a lot of complicated things really simple, without compromising flexibility.

Regardless if you want to do a simple HTTP request or implement custom integrations with advanced systems, we have the required tools for you.

Check out our API Documentation to see a complete list of modules.


The Flic Hub has many capabilities to bridge the gap between our Bluetooth buttons and your project.

2.4 and 5.0 Ghz WiFi and Ethernet port will make the Flic Hub and Hub LR ideal for any network environment.

*The hub mini is not compatible with the Flic Hub Studio

Virtual Devices & Flic Twist Support
With the latest update in Flic Hub Studio we have introduced a way to add support for Flic Twist through Virtual Devices. A virtual device is a light, speaker or blind that can be defined by software and used to subscribe to updates to value changes through Smart and Advanced Dimming.

Flic Script + Matter

With the addition of Matter support in Flic Script, the Flic Hub LR is now the first scriptable Matter-certified Controller in the world.

Our easy-to-use API built directly on top of our Matter Controller implementation, we are extending all the power that comes with Matter to our users, making Flic Script more powerful than ever before.

You can now subscribe and send commands to and from any* matter device making the Flic Hub LR the most easy way to create custom solutions with Matter based devices in the world.


* Any Matter device cluster in Matter 1.2


MQTT Integration
Now available with the Flic Hub and Hub LR SDK


"I love the Flic, its Hub and SDK because it gives the ability to put some functional buttons in the household from where the whole family can trigger something in the house, like turning of all the lights when going to bed. The SDK gives me the opportunity to easily connect it to my Home Assistant domotica software."

André van den Berg

"Flic is a key component in our waiting management solution, thanks to the Flic and Flic hub buttons we can quickly install our waiting system in any client, such as supermarkets, clothing stores, DIY, private access, and any kind of store."

Fernando García Villarroel, COO, mShop

For Business

Device Management

The Flic Device Manager allows for scalable deployment of both custom and standardized solutions to a wide array of Flic Hubs (excluding the Hub Mini). With remote configuration and zero-setup hardware, deployment becomes a breeze.


For large scale solutions we also offer the Flic Device Manager to be able to deploy solutions on a large number of Hubs and buttons.


Managed hubs can be monitored and updated remotely without any physical access to the hub.

Flic Hub SDK Device Manager
Create Modules
Bulk Scan Buttons
Distribute Configurations