Flic Duo
Pre-Order Batch 2
Smart Home made Easy
Flic let’s you create automations simply, for the whole family to enjoy

Flic Smart Buttons
Small Wireless Buttons for all your smart home routines and automations.
Easy to get started with and configure
Replace your apps or voice commands
Simple to use for everyone

Flic Twist
Smart wireless dials that elevates your home automations and adds a new level of convenience and customization.
Intuitive for the whole family
Effortless integration with your existing smart home ecosystem
Replace multiple apps or the need for voice commands

“Flic is the simplest to use and best performing of an ever-growing area in the smart home world: smart buttons.”

“Our home has been smarted up to the hilt, but the one device I find most satisfying to use is the Flic Smart Button.”

“Flic is creating value in the physical Internet-of-Things world, where we as consumers demand greater connectivity within our surroundings and more user-centric experiences.”

1000+ Compatible Devices and Services
Our small button and dial can control nearly any connected device or service with a push or twist. Varying integrations work with the Flic Button and Flic Twist.
New Matter-compatible HomeKit products will be compatible with Flic Twist.
Explore Integrations

Smart Controllers at Home
Smart Home Control - Lights, music, and appliances at the push of a button. Keep it simple for even the youngest family members to understand. Or go advanced with Flic’s endless configuration possibilities. Make it clear what each Flic does with icon stickers.

Buttons for Business
Integrate Flic buttons to your app or business system. Hand out pre-configured Flic buttons with your design.
business solutionsUpgrade & Simplify Your Life and Work
Create powerful combinations or simple life hack shortcuts.

Leave home with confidence
- Turn off all smart lights, smart plugs, sounds and TV
- Lower the temperature and close the window blinds
- Send a message to work or have a valet bring your car
- Place buttons by your door and free yourself from worries every morning

Kickstart Your Morning
- Brew coffee while starting your morning exercise routine
- Turn on the morning news or inspiring music
- Avoid the distractions of looking at your phone
- Avoid voice commands that could wake your partner up

Increased Efficiency at Work
- Optimize Workplace Productivity: trigger presentations, control office lightning & more
- Enhance Guest Experience: Request assistance button or control in-store music
- Boost Manufacturing Efficiency: Start & Stop machinery remotely, ensure swift response to safety issues, etc