Our favorite staying home hacks using Flic

I’m busy / come in light
Inspired by April, let your new coworkers (your family) know when you are in a call or not, so they know when they can come and disturb you with snacks.

Movie time
Movie night, every night.
Set up a Flic to dim the lights, stop the music and start your favorite show.
In order to avoid conflicts, please do not watch a show without the person you were watching it with.

Change Music while showering
Hate getting your phone wet while showering and wanting to change that one song you hate?
Pop a Flic button in your shower for an easier morning.

Meeting time!
Notify your colleagues on Slack that it’s meeting time. Give them a heads up when it’s time for a online Swedish Fika break or set up a beer O’ clock message notification.
Easy access to pre-set Slack messages are fun and useful.

Bed Time
One button, everything off!
No apps, no voice, no running around turning everything off.
Literally, just a button push and you’re set. Go to bed, get your sleeping schedule back to normal.
Do you have a WFH hack with Flic?
Show us by tagging us on social media!