A safe working environment benefits not only employees who can perform better, but also the company who has better results. SAFE Apps has created a safety solution for anyone who is at risk of getting into an emergency situation at work, contributing to create a safer working environment for everyone. Using the SAFE app and Flic as an alarm button, SAFE makes you feel safer, since with a push of a button you can alarm colleagues, security guards, or anyone else.
The need for…Flic

“We were looking for an easy to use alarm button that can be directly connected to our app without using an additional app to operate the button” says Violet Herlaar, Marketeer for SAFE Apps. In addition, the button was required to be small and discreet, enabling workers to ask for help without being noticed, which can be important when they deal with aggressive situations.
The company has tried several buttons but Flic was the best option. The easy to integrate Software Development Kit (SDK) and the discreet and intuitive buttons allows everyone to use them. This is the primary reason why SAFE Apps partnered with us. Here at Flic we are very excited to contribute to make working environments safer and less stressful.
Our partnership in action
SAFE Apps connected the Flic button to their SAFE alarm app so users can alarm when they find themselves in an emergency. The users can wear the button in inconspicuous places since Flic buttons are small enough, while no extra equipment is needed since they can manage everything directly from the SAFE app. From a healthcare professional, a social worker to a lone worker, they can all help with a simple push.
Flic has a wide range of partners in industries such as healthcare, lone workers, and personal safety, all utilizing Flic’s reliable and discreet buttons to enhance personal safety. These integrations allow users to seamlessly connect with various safety and emergency response apps, making it easier than ever for individuals in high-risk situations to get the help they need.

How do you see your future steps with Flic?

“Our future steps as a company is to allow as many professionals as possible to work safely. The Flic alarm button is crucial to reach this goal: because it’s wireless, it allows our users to work safely anytime and anywhere.”
Violet Herlaar, SAFE Apps
Whether you want to increase safety for your employees or to improve your product, Flic smart buttons are an easy and affordable way to trigger actions of you choice.
Explore how Flic can upgrade your Business or contact us here and we would love to help you.